28 NOV-08 DEC 2024

Persian Film Festival

11th edition

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Resistance Cinema

For Woman Life Freedom

11th Persian Film Festival Australia

The 11th Persian Film Festival will be held from 28 November to 08 December in early December 2024. The program will include an official competition in feature, documentary and short film categories where the festival jury will present the Golden Gazelle Award to the best film in each section. The festival will open in Sydney and will tour to other major Australian capitals.

The 10th Persian Film Festival will be held from 26th April to 07th of May 2023. The program will include an official competition in feature, documentary and short film categories where the festival jury will present the Golden Gazelle Award to the best film in each section. The festival will open in Sydney and will tour to Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide.

Commemorating the Woman, Life, Freedom movement in Iran, the festival will celebrate the many years of resistance in Iranian cinema and showcase films by imprisoned and exilic filmmakers, as well as films that have been banned in Iran.

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