In an Iranian juvenile detention center, a group of adolescent girls serve their sentence for the grave crime of murdering their father, their husband or another male family member. Filmmaker Mehrdad Oskouei built a remarkable relationship with these inmates, whose frank conversations and playful interactions he observes, and who privately open up about the consequences of, and sometimes the reasons for, their action.
Directed by: Mehrdad Oskouei
Production Year: 2019
Country: Iran
Length: 74 minutes
Writer & Director: Mehrdad Oskouei
Producer: Mehrdad Oskouei
Co-producer: Carsten Aanonsen
Director of Photography: Mehdi Azadi
Editing: Amir Adibparvar
Music: Afshin Azizi
Sound Designer: Mahmoud Khorsand
Sound Recordist: Parsa Karimi
Production Manager: Vahid Hajilouei
Sunless Shadows
Iran | 2019 | 74 min | Unclassified 15+
We follow the lives of a group of teenage girls serving time in an Iranian juvenile detention center for the murder of a male family member. With the camera as witness, they reveal their innermost thoughts, feelings and doubts.
Best Director - IDFA, International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam 2020
Winner - Krakow Film Festival 2020
Winner - CinéDOC-Tbilisi International Documentary Film Festi 2020
Winner - ZagrebDox-International Documentary Film Festival 2020
Winner - Middle East Now Film Festival 2020
Winner - Golden Silk Road 2020
Big Sky Documentary Film Festival 2020