In the aftermath of a devastating rumor, Iman and his family have been forced to flee Iran. As refugees, they end up in a run-down hotel in northern Sweden. Despite feeling powerless, Iman tries to maintain his role as the family patriarch. To increase their chances of asylum, he breaks a promise to his wife and joins the local wrestling club. As the rumours start to resurface, Iman’s fear and desperation begin to take a hold.

Directed by: Milad Alami
Production Year: 2023
Country: Sweden
Length: 119 minutes


Director: Milad Alami
Writer: Milad Alami
Producers: Annika Rogell, Sandra Warg, Peter Possne
Cinematographer: Sebastian Winterø
Production Designer: Thomas Øyjordsbakken
Composer: Jon Ekstrand, Carl-Johan Sevedag
Editor: Olivia Neergaard-Holm
Sound Designer: Andreas Franck


Payman Maadi
Marall Nasiri
Björn Elgerd
Ardalan Esmaili
Arvin Kananian
Nicole Mehrbod
Diana Farzami
Magnus Mark
Joonas Saartmo

Monté (Mountain)

Australian Premiere | 2016

Saturday 10 September 2:00pm

Director's Biography
Director's Biography
Born on 15 August, 1946 in Abadan, Amir Naderi is an Iranian film director, screenwriter and one of the most influential figures of 20th-century Persian cinema.
Naderi developed his knowledge of cinema by watching films at the theater where he worked as a boy, reading film criticism, and making relationships with leading film critics. Read More >


Many years ago, in a semi-abandoned village at the feet of a mountain, lives Agostino with his wife Nina and the son Giovanni. The mountain stands as a wall against the sun preventing it from reaching their land, now only rocks and scrubland. With an old wheelbarrow, Agostino goes to the market place of the town on the other side of the mountain to sell the few fruits of his crop, but nobody wants to buy his washed out vegetables. After many misadventures, one morning Nina and Giovanni are woken up by a repetitive and incessant sound. It's Agostino who has climbed the mountain and with a pick tries to pull down the top to let the sun rays light their land.


  • Venice Film Festival 2016 - Out of Competition
  • Busan International Film Festival 2016 - World Cinema
  • Tokyo FilmEx 2016 - Special Screenings
  • International Thessaloniki Film Festival 2016 - Open Horizons
  • Istanbul International Film Festival 2017- Mined Zone
  • Filmfest München 2017 - Spotlight
  • Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2017 - Horizons

Production Team

Amir Naderi
Italy, USA, France
100 min
Italian with English Subtitles
Premiere Status 
Donatello Fumarola, Amir Naderi
Carlo Hintermann, Gerardo Panichi, Thierry Lenouvel, Rino Sciarretta, Jerome Bellavista Caltagirone
Roberto Cimatti
Amir Naderi
Andrea Sartoretti, Claudia Potenza, Zac Zanghellini

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